Thursday, August 27, 2015

Ashes to Ashes: Why Cremation Has Become the Rite of Choice for Many

In the past when a person would pass away, the most common option for disposition was for them to be buried in a cemetery. Cremation, however, has become an increasingly popular option in today’s world. The Cremation Association of America says that cremation was practiced at an average of 3.56% in 1960, but that figure has risen to 40.62% in the year 2010. While cremation used to be somewhat taboo in the past, its growing popularity shows that more and more people are recognizing its many benefits. What Happens Funeral homes that offer cremation services, like Usher Funeral Home in Indianapolis, often have dedicated crematoriums where the rite is performed. In Indiana, there’s a 48-hour waiting time after death before a person can be cremated. This gives the funeral home time to file the death certificate and necessary permits.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Funeral Homes Can Help in Pre-Planning Details of Your Last Farewell

It can be difficult to consider the prospect of your death, but doing so may help your loved ones to better cope with your loss. Planning a funeral can be stressful, especially for people who have just lost a family member. When done in haste and without advanced planning, a funeral can also cost more than necessary. This makes pre-planning your own funeral, with the help of funeral homes like Usher Funeral Home in Indianapolis, beneficial to those you leave behind. Additionally, pre-planning your funeral gives you the peace of mind knowing your final wishes will be carried out. As with any other event marking the milestones in your life, you have to consider the smallest details, including the following: Choice of Final Disposition Do you want a cremation or a burial? Your decision on this matter will greatly affect the preparations.